Dear Leo,
The title of this blogpost is actually a misnomer. Most Big People don't actually get what the Meaning of Life is unless they're Douglas Adams, who decided that the answer is 42 or a bunch called Monty Python who seemed to think it was about large, gluttinous men throwing up in buckets and exploding.
The purpose of this blog post is to tell you about the Great Drama that took place yesterday involving Daddy, and what this has to do with meaning in your life.
Daddy's right leg has been misbehaving for a little while now. It began with a few twinges and niggles, and then turned up the volume to become a screaming, furious ache that drowned out even the sensation in Daddy's toes, leaving his poor foot looking swollen and pallid.
Needless to say, Daddy went off to the Doctor. Doctor 1 failed to diagnose Daddy's problem, and by Saturday night, said limb was howling with increased vigour. This prompted Daddy's return to another Doctor who sent Daddy to hospital, as it seemed that Daddy's leg had a blockage in it's watering system (You may remember hospital from your first days - A large, polished, antiseptic smelling place with lots of beeping machines, tubes and funny people in pale blue overalls).
At 7:30 last night, they wheeled your Daddy into an operating theatre - a scary cold white room where they peel people open so that they can fix the sick squishy bits inside.
They spent almost 4 hours fiddling with Daddy's leg plumbing, and eventually colour was restored to his foot as blood started to flow again.
Daddy is fine, and is going to be fine and you and Mommy will be blessed with his presence for a long time to come. It was a very scary situation, Dear Leo, and one that Mommy does not wish to witness again.
Your Daddy is a very special man, and you are a wildly lucky little guy to have such an incredible Father. Mommy has been reminded how life can change in a fraction of an instant and therefore to stop catastrophizing and get on with it. Procrastination has no place in life: today is the best time to get going with the little stuff, and with grand designs and schemes.
As Dr Seuss says in "Oh, the Places You'll Go":
You can get so confused
That you'll start in to race
Down long wiggled roads at a break-necking pace
And grind on for miles across weirdish wild space
Headed, I fear, toward a most useless space.
The Waiting Place...
For people just waiting
Waiting for a train to go
Or a bus to come, or a plane to go
Or the phone to ring, or the snow to snow
Or waiting around for a Yes or No
Or waiting for their hair to grow
Everyone is just waiting...
NO! That's not for you!
Somehow you'll escape
All that waiting and staying.
You'll find the bright places
Where Boom Bands are playing.
There are times to relax, to go slow but never forget that you are a little person who can make big things happen! Seize your time, and live fully.
Well, that's Mommy's take of this Meaning of Life stuff...we are here to live, so lets live.
Much life,
Oh no! I'd wondered why Daddy was in hospital! Scary stuff.
ReplyDeleteyou are a little person who can make big things happen <- that made me really smile!