Sunday, March 27, 2011

Mommy's pride at your First Word

Dear Leo,

Mommy feels that the time is right to applaud the utterance of your First Real Word. She has been debating for some time now if the various noises that emanate from your mouth could be nominated for this auspicious title, which includes the steady stream "mamamamama" and "bababababa".

There were a number of criteria she used in order to evaluate this word.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

The Meaning of Life

Dear Leo,

The title of this blogpost is actually a misnomer. Most Big People don't actually get what the Meaning of Life is unless they're Douglas Adams, who decided that the answer is 42 or a bunch called Monty Python who seemed to think it was about large, gluttinous men throwing up in buckets and exploding.

The purpose of this blog post is to tell you about the Great Drama that took place yesterday involving Daddy, and what this has to do with meaning in your life.